
The movie seems to focus on homophobes. Meaning, people who hate on homosexual people. Since Remington likes to pick on gay people in the movie, He was given a curse that he'll grow up to be gay forever. After some time with the curse, Remington realizes that what he did was wrong. But he is stuck with the curse FOREVER. The plot seemed straight forward, easily understood , the moral of the story is clear. Although it was a typical Pinoy movie , which all Philippine movie seems to have even though it is not on purpose, The movie did well in delivering their message.

Bashing on Homosexuals are bad. They do not deserve being shamed upon just as Heterosexuals does not deserve to be told negative connotations. Respecting people's choices, beliefs, and whatever they want to do to their bodies is important. Morally, if it does not include oneself, having an irrelevant opinion is not necessary. Like a lot of elders say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't talk at all"
Nice blog! I think you are the first person to blog about this movie. Two thumbs up!