Sunday, March 6, 2016

Parasyte. Part 1

Parasyte (Kiseijuu) is an Japanese Action, Drama, and Horror film released in 2014 (February 2015 in the Philippines). Directed by Takashi Yamazaki and Written by Hitoshi Iwaaki, Ryôta Kosawa, and Takashi Yamazaki.
"The humanity is suffering from murders all over the globe, called "Mincemeat murders". High school student, Izumi Shinichi has a parasite living off him, having replaced his right hand, and he might be the discoverer of truth."

In the first look of the movie, it is a typical story line similar with aliens trying to take over the world. In the beggining of the movie, it is issued that humanity is destroying the world and if the numbers of human beings are reduced significantlly, so will be the wastes. With that said, Marvel fans would possibly say that it is very similar to the plot of "AvengersL Age of Ultron", since Ultron, The main villain, tries to wipe out every human beings to save the earth. Incredibly, There are a lot of things that the movie tries to deliver.

The movie touched up on a lot of topics, the following is what viewers of the film may interpret the plot of the movie:

1. The movie is also about a mother's love for her child and their relationship.

2. How important human lives are to humans themselves.

3. To save the world, people must not consume the plants and animals, basically to stop destroying the ecosystem by finding a substitute source of nutrition.

To elaborate, the parasites are the way to expose these traits, they bring out the nature of people when something threatens one's realtionship or the entire world. Shinichi Izumi, the main charater, Talks to Migi the parasite he got, which is his right hand, and there is where both sides discussed about human behaviors and how people respond to threats.

Izumi's mother,Nobuko Izumi, was taken over by a parasite. This lead up to Shinichi's realization that he loves her mother so much and regrets not spending enough quality time. Another example in the movie about a mother's love is at the last scene. Yoko Tamiya is a teacher (She was successfully taken over by a parasite) in Shinichi's high school that conducts multiple experiments to understand the human behavior. She conducted an experiment trying to figure out of two parasites with human bodies had a baby, what would be the result. Tamiya is now pregnant in the movie, and at the last scene, one of their comrades decided to kill all human beings, that included Tamiya's child, and Tamiya starts to worry that he would kill her child.

It is always not the threat that the movie focused on or should only be recognized. There are other 'morals' or ideas that a film tries to deliver. Reading between the lines in movies is a great way to learn a lot of things from films. Although Parasyte is a little bit too gruesome for a kid, Parasyte is a movie worth watching.

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