on February 11, 2016 , Jon Santos spoke to the students of Asia Pacific College about his career and how one should continue to pursue their dreams. He is a colorful character in an asian country with asian parents, Jon santos must have had a hard time following his passion. Knowing that Jon Santos did what he wanted all his life, that is probably not his parents' first choice for him, one can learn from him and be inspired at the same time. It is no joke, surely, entering show business, comedey, especially entertainment; Jon Santos is a credible source for inspiration in doing what one loves.
It is quite easy for a person to lose hope when it comes to prusing dreams, because it is like wanting to eat all the healthy foods but there are only few choices or few places that serves those kinds of food. Jon Santos is one of those rare places where you get the healthy foods. You get encouraged once more to continure pursuing one's passion.

Yes, there is no reason not to chase after one's dream, and Jons santos gave more reasons to do so. It may seem that the path to fullfill one's passion is a straying away from the right things, but if done with the right knowledge and planning, nothing will stand in one's way in follwing one's passion.
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