Before one could reinvent their selves, one must first recognize that there is a need to change. Reinventing oneself is a huge challenge in life but offers a great reward in the end. It is often seen as a betterment or an improvement of a person. Hard work and dedication is needed in order to successfully reinvent oneself.

Growing up as an underweight boy who was always told funny jokes about being too skinny at almost every situation, it has become a reminder that someday, something has to change. From recent discoveries, working out was the answer to gaining weight, despite people's popular opinion that working out is for losing weight. The body needs to notice that more muscles mass is needed to move; thus stimulates muscle growth. Discipline, on the other hand, is tough to come by. Proper diet is also required to be able to gain weight, not just by exercising alone. Because the body needs to grow, there must be nutrients used to build muscle.
When people hear the word 'diet' , they often think that it is to reduce the amount they consume . But it really means eating the right food for the intended purpose. Eating junk food is fattening, but it does
not necessarily carry all the nutrients and vitamins needed to grow healthy and well developed muscles. Although it works, it is never really an option because of the poor results it may deliver.
At the end of the day, it all starts with the intention to change. The realization to reinvent oneself is the first step, the second is planning, the third will be the execution. Hopefully, everybody would have the will to follow through with their plans. As mentioned before, reinventing oneself is one of the hardest challenges a person will do in their life.
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