Heavy traffic has been the number one problem in commuting. It has gotten people late for work and hateful of their co-commuters. The source of the problem is debatable; whether it would be the amount of cars, the small roads and highways, or the irresponsible drivers. Realistically speaking, it's all three; Because if the number of cars in the road is increased, so will the number of irresponsible drivers will, and All of those cars wouldn't fit in a 5-lane highway that sometimes turn into a 2-lane highway because of bad road planning.
Cyclists are the wind of the road, no matter how tight spaces can be, there is a much wider path. Because of the traffic, it's much faster to run to work than to sit in a vehicle. But nobody likes running , Cycling is much easier and more efficient. In metro-manila , there are what people call 'Rush hours' and at this time, the heavy, extremely slow paced traffic could last for hours. But bicycles could maneuver into the traffic since it's a compact mode of transportation, it doesn't need a lot of space. There is no such thing as heavy traffic for cyclists

The solution to avoid bad traffic is to prevent it. Road widening is almost impossible, that's why skyways are being made to compensate. Nobody would sell their cars to ride public transportation, comfort and privacy is one of the reasons why one should buy a car. If work is more important than comfort, get a bike. The solution to avoid traffic is to flow through the mess . It doesn't produce carbon emissions and it will be the biggest investment of anyone's life. Kill traffic, Ride a bike.
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