In the early 1900s, Father's day was not celebrated as much as today. In fact, The (not yet a) holiday started when a church held an event in memory of those who died in war. People never really saw the same values a father has compared to a mother because unlike mothers, Fathers does not have the same sentimental appeal that mothers have. As years pass, many people started to honor their fathers because of their bravery in war or in their family, a little give back for all the hard work. In 1910, the holiday became statewide in Washington; In 1924, father's day is starting to be rcognized as a holiday. During those time, people wanted to merge father's day and mother's day instead, but the government did not approve.
Nowadays, one's father does not have to be deceased to be able to celebrate Father's day. Since the holiday is now commercialized; people wanted to honor, give thanks, offer a relaxing vacation, and etcetera to their fathers. Because we now live in the modern times where everybody wants to join in celebrating a holiday, it is fairly easy to find something for one's father. Restaurants offer discounts to those who are fathers, or even free meals or drinks. Back then, the upbringin of Father's Day was simple going to church and saying a few words. But now, it is capitalized. The value of the holiday doesn't change, No, It is important to know where things came from and how it evolved so that one can see things differently from others.

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