Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sana Dati

Sana Dati (If Only) is a Filipino Romantic Drama written and directed by Jerrold Tarog. The movie is part of a trilogy which consists of "Confessional" (2007), and "The Blood Trail" (2009). The film is about how the woman remembers the love she once had when he saw this other guy, thus wanting to delay her own wedding.

Typical romantic films tells us that with enough sacrifice and dedication, we can get the person we want, Even though they are worlds apart and purposely separated by the writers to exaggerate how impossible it would be to see each other. The typical films wants you to believe that destiny is your ally, if one can find a way to be with someone, it is possible. Boy meets girl, girl gets separated to the boy, a few years later, the boy travels around the world and sees the girl again, Miraculously. Then they end up happily ever after. That is usually the route in most romantic film.

The Film "Sana Dati" took a different approach, you can feel that it's a romantic film but it has a rather unfortunate turn of events. Andrea fell in love with Andrew, but they were separated in the future. One may predict that one day, they would see each other and restore their love. Later in the movie, Andrea is about the be married to Robert, the other guy. In every film, there is a character that fills in the plot, which is Dennis. Dennis is the brother of Andrew, Denis's part is to fill in Andrea and the audience what happened to Andrew. Andrea knows to her self that she loves Andrew and Dennis might provide vital information to help her find Andrew. But this is where the plot twist came in, Dennis informed Andrea (and the audience) that Andrew died. Therefore leaving Andrea no other choice but to continue with the wedding.

Every film wants to deliver a different message every time, every person also has a different interpretation of the movie. This interpretation includes how sometimes one cannot be with the person they truly love. If one desires to be with their one true love, it requires a lot of sacrifice and dedication to prevent unwanted actions by other parties like family members or another guy/girl. Sometimes it is not miracles that keeps the love strong, sometimes it is simply effort. What if Andrea and Andrew could have prevented their separation? Never let the person you want slowly drift away, if one does not need regrets.

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