Monday, February 29, 2016

Anti Smoking Campaign

Tobacco was introduced in the philippines by the Spanish colonies. As it grew larger, the first Filipino smokers were addicted to tobacco. And in December 2012, The Sin Tax which affects cigarettes and Alcohol tax to increase for the fourth time. It has been a known issue that cigarette smoking kills thousands of lives. Globally, multiple divisions of the government has attempted to influence the people to stop smoking by putting on labels , facts in research, and graphic warnings, to show how dangerous is smoking to one's health.
"Dubbed “Cigarettes Are Eating You Alive”, the campaign started airing on Aug. 8, and is designed to urge smokers to quit smoking in support of the Philippines’ smoke-free laws and implementation of graphic health warnings on tobacco packs by March 2016."
In the article, "DOH Reiterates Smoking Hazards in New Campaign" written by Raymart Escopel, discussed about how the goverment plans to tackle the new anti smoking campaign by using graphic images to be put on cigarette packs. The new campaign is a different approach, probably more effective than just the usuak "Smoking Kills" label.

In an article written by Niña P. Calleja, "GRAPHIC WARNINGS ON CIGARETTE PACKS DUE", Graphic health warnings along side the  warning texts on cigarette packs should have been printed last november 5 of 2015.
"Warning texts along with graphic images should be printed on the labels of all tobacco products by Nov. 5, in compliance with the Graphic Health Warnings (GHW) Law, health groups reminded the government and the public over the weekend."
She also mentioned that this campaign or project was 7 years late.
"She said the deadline for the Philippines came in September 2008, which means the country is seven years late in fulfilling its obligation."
Nonetheless, these graphic health warning against cigarettes are significantly more effective when they are soon released. Some of which are too much to handle by most people because of how the images was made. But this was not the first move that the Philippine government tried to reduce the number of people addicted to smoking. Laws about marketing, selling, and the use of cigarettes and how they are regulated and prohibited in certain areas. Section no. 2 of the Republict Act No. 9211 states, "It is the policy of the State to protect the populace from hazardous products and promote the right to health and instill health consciousness among them. It is also the policy of the State, consistent with the Constitutional ideal to promote the general welfare, to safeguard the Interests of the workers and other stakeholders in the tobacco industry. For these purposes, the government shall institute a balanced policy whereby the use, sale, and advertisements of tobacco products shall be regulated in order to promote a healthful environment and protect the citizens from the hazards of tobacco smoke, and at the same time ensure that the interest of tobacco farmers, growers, workers and stakeholders are not adversely compromised."

Obviously, trying to prove that smoking is dangerous and that smoking has countless numbers of negative effects than benefits has been done. Cigarettes have a name for itself, harming the lives of people who smokes them. In this day and age, there are more alternatives being produced to stay off the cigarettes. Some of which are nicotine patches, nicotine gum, and Vaping. Trying some of these products may not provide instant results in quitting smoking, it is still a step closer into a healthier body. Choosing anything over a stick of cigarette is a good choice to live with. Stop smoking, and start thinking about your health and everyone else's

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