Monday, February 29, 2016

Anti Smoking Campaign

Tobacco was introduced in the philippines by the Spanish colonies. As it grew larger, the first Filipino smokers were addicted to tobacco. And in December 2012, The Sin Tax which affects cigarettes and Alcohol tax to increase for the fourth time. It has been a known issue that cigarette smoking kills thousands of lives. Globally, multiple divisions of the government has attempted to influence the people to stop smoking by putting on labels , facts in research, and graphic warnings, to show how dangerous is smoking to one's health.
"Dubbed “Cigarettes Are Eating You Alive”, the campaign started airing on Aug. 8, and is designed to urge smokers to quit smoking in support of the Philippines’ smoke-free laws and implementation of graphic health warnings on tobacco packs by March 2016."
In the article, "DOH Reiterates Smoking Hazards in New Campaign" written by Raymart Escopel, discussed about how the goverment plans to tackle the new anti smoking campaign by using graphic images to be put on cigarette packs. The new campaign is a different approach, probably more effective than just the usuak "Smoking Kills" label.

In an article written by Niña P. Calleja, "GRAPHIC WARNINGS ON CIGARETTE PACKS DUE", Graphic health warnings along side the  warning texts on cigarette packs should have been printed last november 5 of 2015.
"Warning texts along with graphic images should be printed on the labels of all tobacco products by Nov. 5, in compliance with the Graphic Health Warnings (GHW) Law, health groups reminded the government and the public over the weekend."
She also mentioned that this campaign or project was 7 years late.
"She said the deadline for the Philippines came in September 2008, which means the country is seven years late in fulfilling its obligation."
Nonetheless, these graphic health warning against cigarettes are significantly more effective when they are soon released. Some of which are too much to handle by most people because of how the images was made. But this was not the first move that the Philippine government tried to reduce the number of people addicted to smoking. Laws about marketing, selling, and the use of cigarettes and how they are regulated and prohibited in certain areas. Section no. 2 of the Republict Act No. 9211 states, "It is the policy of the State to protect the populace from hazardous products and promote the right to health and instill health consciousness among them. It is also the policy of the State, consistent with the Constitutional ideal to promote the general welfare, to safeguard the Interests of the workers and other stakeholders in the tobacco industry. For these purposes, the government shall institute a balanced policy whereby the use, sale, and advertisements of tobacco products shall be regulated in order to promote a healthful environment and protect the citizens from the hazards of tobacco smoke, and at the same time ensure that the interest of tobacco farmers, growers, workers and stakeholders are not adversely compromised."

Obviously, trying to prove that smoking is dangerous and that smoking has countless numbers of negative effects than benefits has been done. Cigarettes have a name for itself, harming the lives of people who smokes them. In this day and age, there are more alternatives being produced to stay off the cigarettes. Some of which are nicotine patches, nicotine gum, and Vaping. Trying some of these products may not provide instant results in quitting smoking, it is still a step closer into a healthier body. Choosing anything over a stick of cigarette is a good choice to live with. Stop smoking, and start thinking about your health and everyone else's

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


February 5, 2016, The competition of the class chant has begun for the ECE, ABMA, and CPE. Every section had practiced for weeks, perfecting every line to tell who they were. One by one, they stepped up to perform what each section prepared for the judges and the entire auditorium. As an irregular student, it was interesting to see lower batches whip out their creativity and show it off to the other sections
(Photo from:
In the eyes of ECE 151, everything was both smooth and rugged. They were organized but unsure if they were doing things right. They showed a lot of will in succeeding with the chant. In the first sections that performed, It seemed like the ABMA students would demolish the ECE and CPE because of their creative advantage. ABMA students are more visually sensitive, they know what attracts the eye, they know what color goes with their personalities, They know what represents them the best. They should know, why would they not know?

Other people would think that the ABMA would win the chant because of the same artistic reasons. Since poetry is an art, and is closely related to a chant, the ABMA students would be the winner of the Chant competition. But the ECE had outperformed them. Almost every section has a prop, a percussion instrument, an idea of who they were as a section, as a unit. But the ECE 151 had it better amongst the other performers. Was it the props that led them to be the champion? The props? The Words that consisted their chant? Or was it their Bond ? Being an observer while they practice, they work together and agreed on many things. They had a lot of ideas that all of them liked. Needless to say, they won the chant competition.
(Photo from:
Maybe that was the whole purpose of the chant, to bond with everyone and use the english language to discover oneselves as one unit. Maybe it was suppose to make everyone closer to each other while shouting the verses that everybody put together. It has made everybody closer knowing that they were close friends even before the english term started.

Monday, February 1, 2016


According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, "the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person : the act of plagiarizing something" . But in layman's term, It is using someone else's work and claiming that it was yours. Not a respectful nor dignified act especially in arts.

Always mention the name of the original creator of the content

Plagiarism is a crime and an insult from the source of what has been plagiarized. Other than that, it is punishable by law. There is such a thing call the "Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines". Here is one particular statement from the Law of Copyright, "178.2. In the case of works of joint authorship, the co-authors shall be the original owners of the copyright and in the absence of agreement, their rights shall be governed by the rules on co-ownership. If, however, a work of joint authorship consists of parts that can be used separately and the author of each part can be identified, the author of each part shall be the original owner of the copyright in the part that he has created;".

Copying and Pasting without including quotation marks and the name of the original creator is plagiarism

-turning in someone else's work as your own
-copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
-failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
-giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
-changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
-copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether ---you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules)".
These are some kinds of plagiarism, to avoid it, one must understand it. It is also better to be familiar with the legal statements the Law of Copyright holds. Especially for marketing people, and creative writing. Eventually, one phrase that is protected by the order using the Law of Copyright will encounter someone else saying the same phrase, therefore ending in a law suit.

Plagiarism is not just something to describe one's way of copying someone else. It is a crime, and it is to be avoided. Even being forgetful in giving proper accreditation or mentioning the name of the photographer in a profile pic may be called plagiarism. Be careful and be respectful to creators, authors, and so forth.

Self Introduction

The name is Romar Constantino De Guzman, Born in Makati on the 12th of November, 1995. A Manilenyo as they say when one is born and raised in Metro Manila. Studied in St. Paul College Makati and Paco Catholic School, Graduated high school in PCS and now studying Multimedia Arts in Asia Pacific College.

Arts and Music was very helpful in maintaining a peaceful and expressive mind through out the hard work that educational systems demand. Being athletic was one of the hardest demand but one of the most exciting of them all. It has helped running away from trouble, escaping danger, and coping with a lot of stress. The goal was to be smarter, better, and tougher as time passes by. Every tough experiences has to be faced with no fear and all of the intentions to learn from it, gain from it, grow and excel like no one has ever before.

Currently, the love for photography fluctuates because of the influences and problems encountered from friends. Although none of these are negative in any way, It is basically a distraction that prevents a job done right away. It's not a big issue, but it has to be said.

Cycling, working out at home and watching plenty of YouTube videos with a plethora if helpful information, of course , helps a lot along the way of living. It is also a routine that is both helpful and distracting, it does not stray me from my studies, nor from doing creative contents.

When someone is described like a person who rides a bike to school everyday with a track bike, dreams of being a photographer, wants to travel and get paid, stands up to any challenges and will do anything and everything to come out victorious, has laughable friends and hangs out everywhere, Usually those things are associated with one name, "Romar De Guzman".